Monday, March 14, 2011

Simple command line encryption

Works on OS X, Linux, anywhere with OpenSSL installed:
(NOTE: With OS X Lion breaking TrueCrypt - this is simple replacement that, in a way, simplifies things.)

To encrypt the file:
openssl des3 -salt -in infile.txt -out encryptedfile.txt
To decrypt the file:
openssl des3 -d -salt -in encryptedfile.txt -out normalfile.txt
The -a option, stores the encrypted file in base64 instead of binary.

To encrypt the file stored in base64:
openssl des3 -a -salt -in infile.txt -out encryptedfile.txt
To decrypt the file stored in base64:
openssl des3 -d -a -salt -in encryptedfile.txt -out normalfile.txt
To see a list of all available ciphers and other command information:
openssl -h

Other examples(notes to self...):
openssl des3 -salt -in rev27_***** -out rev27_*****
openssl des3 -salt -in pf_***** -out pf_*****

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